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Home Custom eLearning Games, Gamification, and Scenarios

Games, Gamification, and Scenarios

Sometimes, your learning challenges require you to step up a level and deploy the power of immersive and entertaining game strategies.

With our multi-BAFTA-winning expertise, we have the skills you need to take your digital learning to the next level with learning games and gamification.

Why Do Games Work for Learning?

Games, gamification and scenarios deliver on three of the most powerful learning modes:

  • ‘Challenge’ focuses on learning goals, driving competition, and practice.
  • ‘Play’ taps into the mindset we adopt during play, such as creativity, imagination, and state of flow.
  • ‘Immerse’ applies learning in a virtual environment.

All three are key to making learning work. Our world-leading games experts bring them together to create powerful digital learning experiences that work—proof that games mean business!

See examples of our game and gamification eLearning solutions.

Learning games

Immersive Game Strategies to Engage Your Learners

eLearning Gamification

Effective gamification can give your learners a strong sense of motivation, achievement, and a clear vision of progress. Successful application of gamification strategies can sustain your learners’ engagement and drive up their course completion rates.

Non-Digital Games for Learning

Our non-digital card games and strategy-based tabletop games can be used in workshops and training sessions to give your learners an engaging, collaborative way to test their skills and knowledge together.

Scenario-Based Learning

Scenarios put your learners in realistic yet challenging situations—often ones that would be extremely difficult to replicate in real life. Scenarios are also great environments for your learners to work through the gray areas of decision-making.

Powerful Video-Driven Scenarios

Incorporating high-quality drama video into scenario-based learning deepens the experience. Work with our in-house video team to create a powerful video drama that will engage and enlighten your learners.

Learning Simulations

Simulations recreate specific environments and systems that put your learner in the driving seat. Simulations range from sophisticated business tools through to working 3D visualizations of specialist equipment. Our simulation services fall into the following areas:

  • Business Simulations

    Harness complex data modeling and algorithms to give your learners the tools to practice key business decision-making and see realistic results

  • Software Simulations

    Recreate parts of your system to deliver targeted learning on key processes your learners need to know

  • Hardware Simulations and 3D Modeling

    Fully functioning 3D models offer your learners low-risk learning and repetitive practice

Ready to harness the power of learning games and gamification?

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