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Engaging eLearning Communication Campaigns

Creating the right learning journey is vital to both your learners and your business. But, you don’t want to launch a perfect eLearning program only to find that your learners don’t complete it, have no motivation to take part, or don’t even know it exists.

We can help you create an engaging marketing and communications campaign that motivates your learners and informs them of the benefits of their eLearning journey.

Communication Campaigns That Drive Learner Engagement

A considered roll-out or comms campaign can build excitement, as well as serve practical purposes, such as signposting, nudging, or context setting.

Our creative communications set us apart from the competition. We love a ‘Big Idea’. We’ll work with you to identify the triggers and channels that deliver and cascade the right messages to the right people at the right time.

Tapping Into Your Learners’ Motivations

We’re creatives and will work with you to identify your learners’ triggers and motivations for learning.

The Head, Heart and Hands Model emphasizes the importance of appealing to the head, heart and hand of the your learners when rolling out a learning program.

A Campaign That Works for Your Business

We will help create a learning communications campaign that best serves you and your business.

Signposting and Awareness Building

The foundation to getting your learning out there is to let people know it’s there. Through the use of micro-campaigns and cascading, we will work with you to inform your learners and generate excitement about your learning.


Nudges are snippets of learning, delivered via email or social media. These reminders will regularly encourage your learners to complete and succeed in their learning.


Storytelling is a powerful way to allow your learners to see the real benefits of learning. We will work with you to find success stories from people within your organization who have completed the training and found it useful, and pass on their inspirational stories to other learners.

Internal Championing

With you, we will identify people within your organization who have engaged positively with the learning, and encourage them to champion the learning to others in their networks. Championing will motivate and engage your learners and drive your business forward.

Ready to create an engaging eLearning communications campaign? Get in touch.

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