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VR, AR, and 360 immersive video offers you a whole new dimension to the way you connect with your learners to deliver powerful learning. Our unique expertise at the cutting edge of these new channels means we can work together with you to open up new and exciting learning opportunities for your organization.

These exciting immersive learning experiences will present new worlds for your learners.

AR and MR to Engage Your Learners

Augmented reality and mixed reality (AR and MR) enable us to superimpose information—sounds, visuals, or text—on the real world we see around us. At the forefront of this fast-moving technology, and with new and exciting projects coming online all the time, our team of experts will help you explore how you can make the most of this cutting-edge technology.

As part of Learning Technologies Group plc (LTG), we work closely and collaboratively with our award-winning specialist immersive technologies sister business, PRELOADED, which has created groundbreaking VR experiences for the BBC, Science Museum, Tate Modern, and Within.

Virtual Reality in eLearning: New Worlds, New Learning Possibilities

Virtual Reality (VR) provides an entirely computer-generated environment for your learners to step into, giving them an opportunity to experience and interact with objects and situations in a way that they wouldn’t ever be able to in the real world.

There are many powerful applications for VR in eLearning that will turbocharge learning in immersive experiences for your learners. These include:

  • Hazardous Environments

    Recreating hazardous environments in branched scenarios to allow your learners to practice in a safe space

  • Training Simulations

    Training your learners on large-scale, expensive, or hard-to-access machinery

  • Collaboration

    Your learners can collaborate in groups to solve real life problems

  • Knowledge

    Disseminating new product knowledge in a hyper-realistic digital format to your sales teams and customers

360 Video for Cost-Effective Immersive Learning

Also known as 360-degree, immersive, or spherical video, 360 video places your learners in the center of a cinematic environment. Created using cameras that record the real world from every direction, 360 video contrasts with VR, which recreates a world digitally.

Our in-house moving image team can film high-definition video for 360 video projects. Our learning experts ensure the final result provides an immersive, engaging experience for your learners, and delivers on your learning goals.

Want to see AR, VR, and 360 video technology in action?

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