Learning Content
Computer Games for Learning
In the 30 years since their inception, video games have received an enormous amount of attention for their potential effects on children and young people.
Learning Content
In the 30 years since their inception, video games have received an enormous amount of attention for their potential effects on children and young people.
Learning Content
What learning needs does mobile learning address well? Andrew Joly and Bruce Wood address mobile learning in organisations.
Learning Content
Katie Hart went to Power of One at Battersea Power Station last Friday. We found out about the event and her experience there.
Learning Content
There is a sea of change occurring in attitudes to games-based learning. Eighteen months ago there was low interest in serious games for training.
LEO GRC has been voted top compliance training provider at the annual Compliance Register awards ceremony.
Learning Technology
Leo Learning has been quietly developing advanced customisations into out-of-the-box additions which adapts Moodle to mobile learning programmes.
Learning Technology
Bruce Woods, Director at Leo Learning, speaks about the adoption of technology-enabled learning in the professional services sector.
Learning Content
Patrick Thomas offers a summary of Martin Anderson's article on Behavioural Safety and Major Accident Hazards: Magic Bullet or Shot in the Dark?
Learning Technology
Andrew Joly, Design Director at LEO Learning shares his views on the foundations and principles behind an effective Learning Architecture.
Learning Technology
Andrew Joly, Design Director at LEO Learning shares his views on the concept of learning architecture and its importance.
Learning Content
How can social media have an impact on learning where you work? We report from the Campaign for Learning’s Learning at Work Day with British Airways.
Learning Content
'Kill the courses, shut down the training department’: has that really been the response of organisations to the advent of informal learning?