When I wrote in my Tin Can predictions for 2014 that we’d see the launch of an open source Learning Record Store, I didn’t expect it to come true so quickly. Learning Locker, an open source LRS, has just launched in alpha, and it’s looking really promising. We’ve been super busy here at Epic this quarter so I’ve not had a chance to test Learning Locker properly, but here are three reasons why Learning Locker has all the key ingredients to go far.
1. Investment
HT2, Epic’s partners and the company behind Learning Locker, have been pulling out all the stops and investing a lot of developer time into Learning Locker. They’ve been working full tilt on Learning Locker for a while now, with no signs of letting up. This level of work doesn’t guarantee a good product, but it certainly helps.
2. Involvement
In addition to HT2 staff, a number of other key figures are involved in the project, helping to steer development and ensure effort is targeted in making Learning Locker robust, standards-conformant and useful. The Learning Locker governance board includes Epic’s Head of Open Source, Mark Aberdour, your favourite Tin Can expert (Andrew Downes – that’s me), and Aaron Silvers, the former community manager at ADL for the Tin Can working group.
3. Vision
Finally, Learning Locker has a big vision. He’s only just released the alpha, but HT2 CEO Ben Betts is already talking about Open Badges, Moodle integration, learning analytics reporting tools and an advanced query API. This isn’t just a pipe dream either – Learning Locker has the resources and backing to make this happen. If you’re interested in finding out more about Learning Locker or even becoming one of Epic’s first customers to try this new and exciting platform, please get in touch.
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