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What Are the Main Advantages of eLearning?

Organisations are using 57% more technologies in their learning programmes than five years ago, and more than a quarter of formal learning is e-enabled. It is clear that elearning is more popular than ever, and this is a trend set to continue long into the future. Towards Maturity identified that 56% of training still takes place entirely in the classroom in their 2013-14 Benchmark, indicating that some L&D departments may still need some persuading about the benefits of elearning.


If you have stores across the country and need to train thousands of new staff for the busy Christmas period, you have two options: find enough staff skilled enough to train people at all of these sites or opt for elearning. Elearning courses can be taken by as many or as few people as necessary, and means that everyone gets exactly the same training.

Easy to monitor

ELearning offers an easy way for you to monitor your learners’ progress and to assess their understanding of training material. Face-to-face health and safety assessments may involve quizzing staff individually, but an e-learning programme will track their path through the course to prove that they’ve done what they say they have and it will provide you with instant results of any tests they take so you know when training needs to be repeated.

Easily updated

If you are delivering compliance training, it can be a nightmare getting all your training staff up to speed on any new policies and ensuring that the new messaging is delivered consistently. E-learning can be updated quickly and easily, and you can be sure that everyone will learn about new policies as and when they are decided.


Elearning is convenient not just for your organisation, but also for your staff. Multi-device learning in particular allows staff to train during downtime at work to maximise productivity and efficiency of training time. Instead of removing staff from their roles for face-to-face training, they can take it as and when it suits them, even if this is on the train home on their tablet device or on their smartphone when their meeting companion is running late.


Your employees have a diverse range of needs, and visual or hearing impairments can make face-to-face training challenging. Elearning can be designed with accessibility in mind, whether this is working with a screen reader or providing large text. Epic has a lot of experience designing e-learning to fit in with specific diversity and equality policies, meaning that everyone at your organisation will feel included in the training process.

Discover how LEO Learning can help transform your learning strategy and learning content through effective use of the latest learning technology.

To find out more about the advantages of elearning, please contact us and we’ll be happy to discuss your company’s progression into e-learning.

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