What is blended learning?
Blended learning is the combination of two or more forms of training to deliver a new, and often improved, learning experience. It often enables organisations to bring together the best bits of both the offline and online learning, and can improve flexibility, variety and independence while increasing engagement by making the learning more interesting.
What can be blended?
Face-to-face training: This traditional style of learning involving a trainer being present can be conducted one-on-one or in group settings.
Gamification: Gamified learning balances education with entertainment to provide games with purpose. The game must be engaging and fun but by making the failure fun too, it can drive meaningful learning outcomes.
Elearning: Whether it be personalised elearning courses, off-the-shelf packages or learning delivered through your own LMS, elearning is an engaging and accessible way of delivering courses on almost any subject.
Virtual Reality (VR): By creating an environment or product in a 3D virtual world, learners are able to get a real sense of presence. Used for dangerous or expensive situational training, or to give learners vital practical experience, VR is a rapidly developing area.
Mobile: Mobile learning enables content and courses to be accessed on the move via mobiles and tablets. It means quick and convenient access for learners.
RECOMMENDED READING | 'Blended Learning: The Definitive Guide'
Why consider a blend?
Personalised elearning experience
A blended programme can be the perfect way to provide a personalised learning experience. If the learner is struggling with a particular training topic within a face-to-face training session for example, a blend could provide supplemental resources accessed on their mobile in their own time. It can also enable personalised feedback and reporting where needed.
Save time and resources
Enabling staff to access elearning at a time to suit them can eliminate the need for long training days that take them away from their usual work duties, saving on lost working time, travel expenses and on hiring a trainer to deliver the course.
Make the learning more engaging
By offering dynamic learning resources such as gamification and virtual reality, content that may previously have been perceived as ‘dull’ can become engaging, immersive and rewarding.