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How a Blended Learning Strategy Can Deliver Business Impact

In the first part of this series, we looked at how a modern blended learning approach can create rich learning experiences that engage your learners. In this blog, we’re going to see how a blended learning strategy can boost the impact of your compliance training.

Historically, many blended learning solutions came about as cost-saving procedures. It’s true that replacing elements of face-to-face training courses with eLearning can reduce L&D expenses, but it would be giving a blended approach short shrift to reduce its application to that goal alone.

A good blend has the power to achieve much more.

Using a blended learning strategy to inform the overall focus of your compliance training can ensure you:

  • break down barriers to access that stall completion targets
  • create a solution that fits in with your learners’ working behaviors
  • achieve business goals by reducing non-compliant behavior.

Blended Learning for Easy Access Wins

Towards Maturity noted in its survey of over 5,000 learners, that the top barriers to accessing digital learning were:

  • a lack of time
  • and the lack of a suitable location or digital equipment to access and complete learning.

These are blockers that any organization can remove with a learning strategy that aligns with the context of how their learning will take place. With compliance training, deadlines for completion can be challenging, and even more difficult if just getting to the learning is a tricky path to navigate.

A blended learning strategy can solve this problem because it gives your learners multiple ways to learn. When we move beyond the idea of a single module or platform, we can create content like videos, podcasts, or articles that can be accessed on phones and tablets. This means learners can learn on their commute home or in short breaks away from their normal work.

Something as simple as a series of articles or even PDFs that are either a companion, or an alternative to, traditional elearning could mean that learners who struggle to carve out dedicated time for compliance can take in the key messages in their own time. Once they’ve done that, they then complete a short online assessment to be certified as compliant.

Considering the media mix of your learning is a vital and speedy way to open up access and drive those completion goals, although it might surprise you that more low-tech solutions could be a useful way to do achieve this.

That said, making your training accessible across a wide range of digital platforms should be your main goal: a rich blend of learning content that can be accessed across many devices will engage your learners and ensure they can complete their learning in a way that suits them.

RECOMMENDED READING | 'Blended Learning: The Definitive Guide'

A Blended Learning Strategy for the ‘Long Haul’

Throughout both of these blogs, we’ve looked at tactics that can boost the success of your compliance training in different ways: essentially by making it more engaging and by making it easier for your learners to access in the first place.

A blended learning approach can do both of these things with ease. But ultimately the overall benefit of the blend is the potential it has to embed a culture of compliance throughout your organization.

How? Well, when you have rich, engaging, and relevant learning content that can be accessed anytime, across many devices, you have a recipe for learning that has long-lasting impact.

Producing real behavioral change in your learners requires a strategic consideration of the touch points of your learning and designing a blend that delivers the key messages and behaviors at the right times and in the right ways.

Consider cybersecurity as an example. A blend for lasting change could include something like:

  • Video drama teasers
  • Email campaigns featuring fake phishing attacks
  • Interactive scenarios
  • Short assessed e-learning modules (multi-device compatible!)
  • Animations and accompanying infographic posters for your offices

While this would be a custom solution, our experts can also help you create a blend of our generic compliance solutions for the same benefits.

Ready to create a culture of compliance in your organization? Contact us now to find out how a blended learning strategy can help.

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